As a proud and valued member of BME National, Arhag has been an influential in curating the collective response to critical issues impacting migrants and
BME National’s recent statement on the government’s Illegal Migration Bill is an important
Our role as a key member of BME National
BME National is a collective of over 45 housing associations, all untied by one
common goal - to support and represent Black and Minority Ethnic residents. Our
partnership represents a commitment to addressing housing inequalities, advocating
for positive change for BME communities.
Collaboration between likeminded housing associations allows us to create a strong
voice, advocating on issues that matter to us all, as one collective force. BME
National also provides a channel for information to flow between organisations – a
way of sharing knowledge, learnings, and best practice.
Fundamentally, the collective draws attention to the housing inequalities BME
communities face – working constructively with policymakers, stakeholders and
partner organisations to campaign for progressive change.
The importance of representation
Black and Minority Ethnic people are three times more likely to live in social housing.
BME communities are disproportionately affected by homelessness and other forms
of housing stress: overcrowding, poor housing, fuel poverty, for example.
One of the key strengths of BME National, is that through its member housing
associations, it is committed to being local, approachable, and responsive to the
residents it serves.
While the importance of race in shaping experiences of social housing is gaining
some recognition, more work is needed to deliver better housing outcomes for these
communities across the country.
BME National’s Conference
Each year, BME National holds its annual conference – a way of getting together to
knowledge share among the social housing sector. Arhag’s chief executive Chris
and director or property Shabana were there in 2022, engaging with key speakers
including the deputy mayor of London for housing.
BME National will be holding its 2023 Autumn conference in October, again at
Friends House in central London. Contributions will be made by director of Reframing
Race Dr Sanjiv Langayah, and leader at the Regulator of Social Housing Kate
Dodsworth, among others.
We encourage you to come along as attend the conference, too. It is a fantastic
opportunity to hear from, and speak with, experts and leading figures in the social
housing industry. Sign up here.
How to stay in touch, and find out more
You can find out more about BME National on their website, bmenational.co.uk.
Also, why not stay up-to-date with activity by following BME National on LinkedIn
Arhag is also a member of other collaborative organisations, such as the g320, BME
London Landlords (BMELL) and the National Housing Federation (NHF).