Come and celebrate Every Generation Media (EGM)’s 10th birthday with EGM’s East London Routes family history day.
Date: Sunday 4 November Time:10am to 6pm Venue: Rich Mix, 35 – 47 Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA
EGM is based in East London and has been at the forefront of developing websites, publications, workshops and films around family learning and cultural heritage, particularly among people from minority ethnic heritage.
As 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of independence for Trinidad and Jamaica, we play tribute to: The stories we know. The histories we’ve dug for. The generations we’ve learnt from. The heroes and heroines we applaud.
We’ll have children’s arts activities, author readings and debates on family values, preserving our history and choosing our heroes and heroines. National Archives will throw open their treasure trove of old photos of the Caribbean and we’ll be running a workshop on tracing Jamaican, African and English family histories by people who have done it.
Contributors include: authors Patrice Lawrence, Jacqueline Walker (‘Pilgrim State’) and Kerry Young (‘Pao’), Hackney campaigners Ian Levy and Pauline Pearce ‘Hackney Heroine’ , equality campaigner Simon Woolley, cultural campaigners and historians Arthur Torrington CBE, Stephen Bourne, Oku Ekpenyon MBE, Angelina Osborne, National Archives Caribbean Through A Lens team Sandra Shakespeare and Sara Griffiths, Cllr Michael Jones one of the youngest politicians in London, Guardian journalist Hugh Muir, Joy Francis from Words of Colour and Patrick Vernon OBE founder of Every Generation Media.
To attend this free events please RSVP or
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More about EGM, visit:
#JoyFrancis #EastLondon #SaraGriffiths #ArthurTorringtonCBE #PilgrimState #StephenBourne #ThroughALens #Trinidadhistory #SimonWoolley #Jamaicahistory #HackneyHeroine #AngelinaOsborne #PatriceLawrence #HughMuir #CllrMichaelJones #PatrickVernonOBE #IanLevy #WordsofColour #KerryYoung #NationalArchivesCaribbean #EveryGenerationMedia #JacquelineWalker #OkuEkpenyonMBE #PaulinePearce #SandraShakespeare #NationalArchives #minorityethnicheritage