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News: Residents rate Aksa Homes for satisfaction

BMENational member

Aksa Homes is among the top performing landlords of its kind in the country – as voted for by its residents.

In a new annual survey carried out by tenants, the organisation achieved its highest overall customer satisfaction rate of 91 per cent.

It is a 21 per cent improvement on last year’s results, placing the organisation among the best performing housing companies in England, along with Aksa’s partners New Charter and Gedling Homes .

Residents surveyed were most happy with the way their rent was collected and managed with 87 per cent saying it was good value for money.

The biggest improvement saw a significant rise in the number of people satisfied with refurbishment work to bathrooms, kitchens and heating. This increased to 100 per cent in some cases.

This is dramatic progress for the company with 60 per cent of tenants surveyed stating that the improvement work has encouraged them to stay.

Aksa Homes’ residents are surveyed annually and this year’s survey is the first to be carried out under new HouseMark guidelines.

Mushtaq Khan, Director of Aksa Homes said: “As a community housing association we pride ourselves on meeting local needs across all communities and being flexible and responsive int he way that we respond to our customers.

“Residents’ feedback is invaluable in helping us to improve services and we’re extremely grateful to everyone who took part in the survey.

“We’re also looking forward to getting more feedback through our new Tenants’ Panel and focusing on what we can do to make services even better.”

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