Black and minority ethnic (BME) housing association Tung Sing yesterday hosted its second “Your Shout” resident involvement award ceremony, held to recognise residents’ commitment in helping the association better understand the needs and aspirations of all its tenants.
The event in Manchester was attended by over 40 residents and was opened by Abdul Malik-Ahad, Tung Sing’s managing director. The awards highlighted residents’ contribution and commitment to improving customer service at Tung Sing.
Tenants were presented with bronze, silver, gold or platinum award certificates: five residents secured platinum, 12 won gold, 14 achieved silver and 22 took home bronze awards. The achievement and dedication of the top 15 most involved residents was also highlighted and celebrated at the ceremony.
“It’s pleasing that our commitment and effort is being formally recognised by the association,” said Lin Dai Lai, chair of the Tung Sing City Wide Focus Group. “I am proud to say that Tung Sing’s service is getting better year after year.”
Since the since the launch of the“Your Shout” initiatives, the number of residents getting involved with the Tung Sing has increased from 10% (70 residents) in 2007 to 46 % (301 residents) in 2009.
Nicola Mackintosh, vice chair of the Tung Sing Youth Forum said: “Since getting involved with Tung Sing I have been trained on how to fund-raise and have run healthy activities suitable for younger tenants. We feel empowered.”