Reach Society’s 2nd Careers Conference
In association with our strategic partners
Lloyds Banking Group, Royal Navy, ACES Youth Project The VOICE Newspaper, National Black Boys Can & KPMG, RAF, EDF Energy, BFUWI
Thursday, 4th April 2013 10.00 am to 4.00 pm The Charing Cross Hotel, The Strand, London
A day in which professional men and business from local minority communities interact with young people, aged 14 plus, to inspire them; we also invite parents & carers to come along with their children
Some noteworthy features:
Discover pathways to success in higher education, financial services, medicine, law, engineering, high technology, media services, civil and uniformed services, politics and more
Interact with and be inspired by 24 professional Black male role models
Explore and understand the UCAS process, the added value of Russell Group universities, the internship head start into employment & more
Engage the leading community groups preparing our young people to become confident learners as they hone their talents
Discover what private sector firms have to offer students aged 16 plus and once they become university graduates
Discover the contributions of British people of African Caribbean origin
The Careers Conference will be an extra-ordinary day for young people (All under 16s must be accompanied by a responsible adult)
Can your child afford to miss this FREE EVENT?
Venue: The Charing Cross Hotel, The Strand, London, EC2N 5HX Nearest tube station Charing Cross
We encourage all visitors to have a form of photo ID with them to gain admission
To register your name in advance for this FREE event, just email us on: info@reachsociety.com See our website: www.reachsociety.com for further information.
For further enquires please contact us on: 07949 431 992
