Bangla Housing Association Chief Executive, Bashir Uddin has been praised by Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, on behalf of her Majesty, The Queen for his ‘exceptional contribution to life in our great city’.
In a letter dated 1 June 2021 Sir Kenneth wrote:
‘Dear Bashir, as her Majesty The Queen’s personal representative in Greater London, an important part of my role is to recognise and thank those who have made an exceptional contribution to life in our great city.
It has come to my attention that you are one of those people who have long gone above and beyond the call of duty, especially with your work with the Bangla Covid Advice Project during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am therefore writing to personally thank you for all of your efforts and to encourage you to continue making positive difference to Londoners.
In these difficult times, communities need selfless people like you, to help us to maintain our spirit, to get through the challenges and hopefully, to come out the other side as an even stronger and more inclusive society’.
Bashir Uddin said ‘I am very humbled and pleased that our work with the Bangla Covid-19 Advice Project has been recognised. I must thank all of my colleagues at Bangla HA, the BCAP team, our partner organisations, BMELL, Faith Regen Foundation, the NHS, Tower Hamlets and Hackney councils for their invaluable support with this lifesaving project. Thanks to the National Lottery for funding this project. I am pleased that we have been able to support the community to our best ability during this extraordinary time and our work is not finished yet’.