The Race Equality Coalition Youth Consultation Workshop
The Race Equality Coalition (REC) is a collection of 18 organisations who believe that through coming together a more positive impact can be made on promoting race equality in the UK. The six core values from which they draw their work are Equity, Justice, Mobility, Influence, Respect and Well being. A youth consultation workshop will be held on Saturday 25th May 2013 12.30- 4.30pm at Voice 4 Change England Unit 4.3, Fourth Floor, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA, The workshop will begin with a light lunch and introductions followed by interactive consultation activities on the aims, content, structure and approaches for the REC. We are asking that any young person preferably aged 16 – 25 that wishes to attend has already had some experience or shown an interest in race equality matters. We will cover the costs of travel if there are receipts. For young people travelling from outside London please try and book advance standard class tickets and using young peoples rail cards if possible.
The REC believe that young people have a great deal to offer in creating new approaches and aim to build a coalition that speaks to, and for, future generations. The REC intends to expand membership to create a unified nation voice with young people at the core in the hope that this will develop new methods of working to make a difference to the racial inequalities that still exist in our society today.
For more information please contact REC development worker Karen Chouhan at this email address: or phone 07903 581968. If there is no reply please leave a message and Karen will get back to you.