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For a civil and humane approach to immigration in the UK

MAX Conference: an invitation

In the UK in 2014, what passes for a debate on immigration is a desolate and harsh discourse of intolerance and prejudice. Families are divided, migrants are scapegoated and the undocumented are hunted. In a willing consensus between politicians, the mainstream media and alleged ‘think-tanks’ such as Migration Watch, the blame for so many of society’s ills are placed on the shoulders of migrants.

MAX (movement against xenophobia) offers an answer, a place for more progressive thinkers to come together, discuss and then act. Since its inception in autumn 2013, it’s been focused on opposing the Immigration Bill, currently going through Parliament.

Come and join the discussion, at MAX’s first conference, and make sure humanity wins over brutality.

MAX Conference

Saturday 15 March from 10am til 6pm,

Vernon Square site of SOAS (map)

Sarah Teather MP, Philippe Legrain (author and economist), Professor Des Freedman (Media Studies, Goldsmiths College), Alison Harvey (Immigration Law Practitioners Association), Emma Mlotshwa (Medical Justice), journalist Jon Danzig, Daniel Stevens (NUS), Jeremy Corbyn MP, Professor Eleonore Kofman (Middlesex University), Ruth Grove-White (Migrants Rights Network), Daniel Trilling (Editor: The New Humanist)  and other leading figures in the world of immigration.

The conference will also feature:

‘Freedom is Everything’: performance and interactive workshop coordinated by Exiled Writers INK with three exiled poets: Mir Mahfuz Ali (Bangladesh), Gareeb Iskander (Iraq), Ziba Karbassi  (Iran) who are all published poets who have all fled to England from persecution and horror in their countries of origin.

Tickets cost £10 for a day ticket (£20 for solidarity price, £2 for low / unwaged, but please contact us if you cannot afford a ticket but would like to attend)

Lunch is included, tea and coffee will also be available.

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