Chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), Robert Napier, has announced appointments to its specialist Equality and Diversity Board Advisory Group (EDBAG).
Among the new appointees are Rona Nicholson, Chief Operations Officer at Hanover Housing Association and Jon Prashar, Group Head – Diversity and Marketing, at Places for People.
Also joining EDBAG are David Robinson, Professor of Housing and Public Policy at Sheffield Hallam University and Beverley Milner-Simonds who is currently Head of HR and Corporate Services at Yarlington Housing Group and has previously worked at EDF Energy.
EDBAG is one of four specialist Board Advisory Groups set up to provide focus and challenge to the Agency’s work. The Group comprises eight members appointed through a competitive recruitment process and a further three nominated by HCA partners on the basis of their particular knowledge base or skill set.
Commenting on the appointments, Robert Napier, HCA Chairman, said:
“It is my pleasure to welcome some new faces to EDBAG and to confirm the reappointment of several former members. Collectively they bring a wealth of housing and equality experience from both the public and private sectors.
“Given that housing provides the foundation for our communities and has a huge impact on a person’s life chances, the work of this advisory group could not be more important. We have set ourselves some stretching equality objectives and I am confident we have the right people in place to help us achieve them.
Dorian Leatham, Chief Executive of ARHAG housing association, will continue as Chair of EDBAG until April 2014. He said:
“This Advisory Group plays a vital role in ensuring the HCA adopts a strategic approach to equality, meet its legal obligations under the Equality Act and maintains the profile of equality issues both internally and within the wider sector. I look forward to working with EDBAG colleagues, both new and old, to help the HCA deliver its equality objectives.
View the full EDBAG membership list. Unless stated, EDBAG members will serve for a three year term.
For more media information please contact Rebecca Crosby on 020 7874 8268 /
#homesandcommunitiesagency #RonaNicholson #HCA #Arhaghousingassociation #RobertNapier #EqualityandDiversityBoardAdvisoryGroup #BeverleyMilnerSimonds #DavidRobinson #HousingandPublicPolicyatSheffieldHallamUniversity #EDBAG #PlacesforPeople #HanoverHousingAssociation #JonPrashar #DorianLeatham #YarlingtonHousingGroup