Four out of every five customers give Aksa housing association a pat on the back as their landlord, according to an independent survey out this week.
And a third of all customers say they are “very satisfied” in the independent survey carried out by PH Research of Oldham.
The result puts Aksa in the top quartile of specialist Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) housing associations across the country.
Staff at Aksa were singled out for special praise. Customers were pleased with their politeness (96%), professionalism (87%) and ease of access to staff, both over the phone and at the association’s office on Phoenix Street in Oldham.
More than 81% of tenants said they were satisfied with opportunities to participate in Aksa. The measure is one of only two published Key Performance Indicators on tenant opinion, and allows national and local comparisons to be drawn.
Aksa tenants mentioned repairs as the most important part of the landlord’s services, a view held by tenants across England. More than 85% said they were satisfied with their homes, and seven out of ten reckoned rents were great value for money.
Chair of Aksa, Aslam Khan said: “Our customers are at the heart of what Aksa do. I’m pleased with the overall satisfaction rating of 79.7%, although our efforts will continue to rise to match increasing expectations from tenants. The Board is particularly delighted so many customers told us how good our staff are; we want to thank every employee for their contribution.”
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