MULTI-million pound plans to build affordable housing for Sheffield families in Burngreave are taking a leap forward as building work gets under way.
Arches Housing is to build much-needed affordable homes for social rent on Sheffield Council land on Ellesmere Road.
High-tech energy-efficient features will also keep the running costs down for the families who move in.
Construction got under way after a turf-cutting ceremony at the site, attended by housing and council representatives.

Turf-cutting, with Terry Garvey (Arches Board Member), Tariq Zaman (Arches Chair), Brian Summerson (Arches Chief Exec), Cllr Ibrar Hussain, Cllr Penny Baker, Mohammed Iqbal (Arches Board Member)
The 19 homes will be built on a cleared area in the middle of Burngreave where an old council building once stood.
The plans were given the go-ahead last year when Arches secured £1.6 million of Government funding granted to the scheme.
The plans, by Manchester architects Stephenson Bell, will provide two five-bed, seven four-bed, four three-bed and six two-bed homes between Clun Street and Buckenham Street.
Cllr. Penny Baker, Sheffield Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning, said: “Hopefully this scheme will go a long way to helping local families achieve their dream of living in new family homes in the Burngreave area.”
Brian Summerson, chief executive of Arches Housing, said: “We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work with Sheffield Council on this prestigious scheme.”
The council approved the use of the land for the Arches scheme after its own plans for new council housing on the site were unable to go ahead because of new funding rules.
This article is reproduced courtesy of The Sheffield Star.