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  • Writer's pictureBME National

The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Housing Sector’s Offer

Deep Roots, Diverse Communities, Dedicated Service

The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Housing Sector’s Offer

This paper stresses the multiple and important roles that BME housing organisations play in providing affordable homes and services, and care and support for BME communities.

It underscores the activities of BME housing organisations as social value-creating, community institutions that work in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods, while promoting cohesion and offering BME communities opportunities to improve their life chances.

The paper illustrates how BME housing organisations embody a shared society, foster mutual endeavour and offer pathways for BME people to fulfil their aspirations and realise their ambitions.

It outlines what BME housing organisations have to offer the housing sector in England, and to central government, devolved and local authorities, and diverse communities in the main areas of their operation.

‘Deep Roots, Diverse Communities, Dedicated Service: The Black and Minority (BME) Housing Sector’s Offer’ has been compiled by BMENational, the representative body for BME housing organisations, and its research partner for the last two years, the Human City Institute.

Cym D’ Souza, Chair BMENational and Chief Executive, Arawak Walton HA

Kevin Gulliver, Director, Human City Institute

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